
Spotlight on the Mul-T-Lock MTL800, MTL600, and MTL400

Mul-T-Lock MTL800, MTL600, and MTL400

Let's face it: your home or business will never be safe without a high-quality and durable lock.

But you don't need to spend hours searching for the right one; the MTL (Mul-T-Lock) designs available from Superior Locks provide excellent security against lockpicking, bumps, and drills.

Find out which Mul-T-Lock lock is best for your needs in this guide.

Benefits of MTL Locking Systems

Whether it's your business or your home you're protecting, it's worth investing in only the best locking systems. Top-quality security can be the difference between flourishing or being compromised, or even between life and death.

No matter which MTL lock you choose, you can expect high-resistance, brand-exclusive features, and decades of durability. Install Mul-T-Lock locks from Superior Locks and never worry about putting your family or business assets at risk.


The MTL800 lock offers incredible protection against intruders. It complies with international standards for locks and offers significant protection against:

  • Lockpicking: the most common method thieves use to gain access to a building or unit
  • Drilling: a more aggressive tool for breaking locks. MTL800 locks resist drilling effectively
  • Bumping: the intuitive cylinder system used by MTL800 locks is resilient to bumping

This locking system works with complex master key systems and enables the user to create exclusive keyways that help to prevent interference. It can be integrated with a wide range of security systems, from doors to safes, and is one of the leading security measures employed by homeowners and businesses.

It is also fully backward compatible with other MTL solutions, meaning that it's an affordable and effective upgrade for users looking to increase their security without having to spend heavily on an entirely new security system.

The lock uses a patented moving element on the key's blade as part of a double alpha spring system, providing additional protection. This works alongside a pin in the lock to offer an extra shearling, meaning that the lock's identity is unique to the keyholder and makes it extremely difficult to crack.

The MTL800 lock also comes with a keycard that must be presented and scanned for a copy of the key to be made. This is yet another incredible security device to ensure that nothing can compromise this security system.


The MTL600 system employs several mechanisms to ensure a high level of security:

  • Tumbler mechanism featuring 10 telescopic pins: this system makes it almost impossible for lockpickers to crack the device. 10 telescopic pins provide a robust defense against malicious parties.
  • Unique oval pin to prevent tampering: the unique oval design of these pins confounds lockpickers by offering a defense that they're unable to penetrate. Tampering is incredibly difficult with MTL600 locks.
  • Patented floating element to prevent interference: as with the MTL800, the MTL600 uses a patented floating element that resists even the most sophisticated attempts to crack the lock. This is a core component of MTL locks and is a major reason for their legendary resilience.

The MTL600 security system provides a keycard that is necessary if you wish to obtain a duplicate key. This is a primary defense against malicious individuals looking for an easy way to break a lock. A malicious party would have to obtain two keys rather than one, making cracking efforts unsustainable.

This system also helps you control the number of keys in existence when you run a business, which means that you can easily identify which key has been compromised in the event of a breach.

Lock cylinder


MTL400 systems offer additional protection with their telescopic pinning. MTL400 locks are designed to resist drilling, bumping, and lockpicking attempts. However, its sturdy pins are specially designed to resist drilling attempts.
MTL400 locks are an excellent option for homeowners looking for an additional layer of security. Anyone looking to copy a key has to visit an Mul-T-Lock-approved key vendor and present the bespoke card that is necessary for copying a key. They also benefit from the MTL master key system, allowing you to control which rooms are accessible to predetermined keyholders.

Upgrading your Home Security During COVID-19

MT5+ Padlocks

Upgrading your Home Security During COVID-19

Safety and security have never been more important. Now that so many people are working from home, it is essential to upgrade your home security and keep you, your family, and your valuables safe. There are so many ways you can upgrade your home security with new technology systems. Everyone's circumstances are different during these uncertain times, and it's important for everyone to feel safe in their homes and get their properties secured. Different ways you can upgrade your home security include:


  • Upgrading and Changing your Locks

    • You may think changing your locks might not make that much of a difference but having good locks around your home is important and can make the biggest difference in terms of theft protection. Changing your locks on your front door, backdoor, gates etc. with our high security MT5+ mul-t-locks will allow you to have maximum protection with an advanced locking mechanism. With so many features and different locks you are bound to find the perfect lock for you.

  • Adding Security Signs

    • It may seem simple but adding signs around your house is another form of home security. Adding simple signs such as “Beware of Dog”, “This Property is Under 24 Hour Video Surveillance”, “No Trespassing”, “Secured by…” etc. can help upgrade your security. It shows people that you have taken necessary precautions to secure your home.

  • Upgrade/ Add a Security System

    • Due to an increase in technological advancements, there are many alarm systems out on the market for you to choose from. You can go through a home security company or there are plenty of options for wireless do-it-yourself options. All are valuable options and will be sure to upgrade your home security and make you feel safe. Most even have censors, and cameras for a more advanced system.

  • Installing Cameras

    • There are many different options for adding cameras to your home. The most common and known cameras are the doorbell cameras that allow you to see who rings your doorbell and keep an eye on your home while you’re not there. This adds an extra sense of security since you have the ability to look at who is at your home from wherever you are through your phone. 


Upgrading your home security doesn’t have to be a hard process. Taking these different steps to upgrade your security while spending so much time at home will give you and your family an extra sense of security. Adding high security MT5+ mul-t-locks, security signs, security systems and cameras will help you feel a little peace of mind during these unprecedented times.



Key Management System Gives Supervisors & Staff Opportunity to Go Above & Beyond

Key Management System Gives Supervisors

The mental image many of us conjure up when thinking about a property manager is one with a massive brass object attached to their hip. That object, of course, is a key ring with dozens upon dozens of individual keys jangling against each other. Since security would be comprised by having one key allow access to multiple doors, there’s was once no alternative to this inconvenience. This was the case until Traka21 designed an innovative way to relieve a single property manager and allow multiple people to access keys., which proudly carries the best-designed and most secure lock systems on the market for consumers, touts the unique design elements of the Traka21 key management system and wants shoppers to know that it’s never been easier to distribute duties. Below, readers will learn about new options that allow them to grant multiple people access to the same “key ring” cabinet.

Tool of the Trade

It’s unlikely that what worked five years ago at your building is still the best practice today. With that reality in mind, computerized maintenance management system company Hippo says managing a property maintenance team is made easier with technology on your side. “Being open to suggestions from your maintenance technicians is important,” the article states. “Because they spend the most time with the equipment and assets, they can often come up with clever, practical modifications that speed up time-consuming tasks.” A janitorial/facility management crew is going to be very familiar with most-efficient processes when it comes to cleaning and fixing. When the job at hand is behind a locked door, it’s far quicker for designated workers to have access to a key management system like the Traka21. That’s because this stand-alone RFID-enabled PIN-access lock system gives each user a unique code. This code, entered via an exterior digital keypad, then allows access to 21 long-lasting iFobs that have security seals and locking receptors.

Straightforward Usage

The actual process of opening a key management system from Traka21 -- or any other manufacturer carried by -- couldn’t be more straight-forward. When a member of the maintenance team arrives at the key cabinet, he or she will enter their unique PIN code. This will open the cabinet’s door and reveal the keys inside. LED lights that are lit green will signify keys that are available to use; those that are red will remain locked in place and an amber light signifies a spot where the key can be returned. In short, a worker entering their specific code will only be able to take away keys that were programmed to coincide with that code. This alleviates the need to have a worker with overarching clearance on-site or on-call at all times. If broken down by floor or sector of a building, it will be easy to assign a certain worker to a certain job as all crew members will know who has access to specific keys.

The “Moment of Truth”

Few things put the need for a Traka21 key management system in perspective like a case study and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has a good one. Let’s say that a local Girl Scout troop meets once a week at the elementary school where you oversee the facility and its upkeep team. If the front door is locked, the room where the troop meets is locked or if the meeting area itself is unprepared, there’s a good chance that the worker couldn’t access the right keys. A satisfactory performance, per the NCES, is one where all the doors were open and lights on. To go above and beyond, the worker would have been able to open the bathrooms, adjust thermostats, clean additional areas that required access and lock up at the end of the night. To accomplish all this and “work in a school district that hears praises” is one that takes time, tools and training. “Most people would rather be helpful when possible and one of the keys to good leadership is helping staff to see that doing a good job is not only possible, but preferable,” the NCES says. There’s little doubt then that investing in a Traka21 key management system that gives multiple workers the ability to help keep the ship going in the right direction should be the first investment of 2020.

Key Management Systems — A Crucial Component to Building Design and Management

key management systems

Apartment demand continues to drive upward this year compared with previous periods and it does not look like it will be backing off any time soon, meaning property managers in the hotter markets can expect less vacancies and a steady inflow of new tenants. This is all well and good but, have you ever thought about the number of locked doors there are in a building of any significant size? What happens if rapid evacuation is ever required or if keys have gone missing and no one knows the proper chain of custody, or who should might have had temporary access at some point? Think of all the keys each resident, architect, landlord, custodian, etc. have. It’s a massive responsibility that can be solved by installing key management systems.

How Important Are They Then?

The short answer is — in this age of heightened security demands by residents, combined with pressure to run more efficient and accountable operations key management systems are basically a necessity in any multi-family residential, commercial, and industrial building complex!

The Benefits

Extra Security

As we all know a high volume of people live in any apartment building, meaning there is a lot of coming and going. Therefore a key management system is an effective way of providing building managers and landlords with greater control over all their properties' keys. Not only this, but they also improve security, as only authorized personnel can be granted access to them.

The majority of these systems, like the Traka21, require the user's individual correct pin to be inputted into the automated cabinet for it to open — this way, only specific keys become available. This added security level means that the landlord or manager has absolute control over who goes where within their property.

Can Be Customized

Every building will have different features which need to be kept safe and secure like individual apartments, gyms, swimming pools etc. Luckily, key management systems are flexible and can be custom made to provide the perfect solution for your property — regardless of the size or nature of your requirements.

No More Losing Keys

By implementing a key management system to house and protect all of the keys, there is no possible way for any crucial keys to be lost in the midst of a busy day or stuck in a custodian’s pocket.

Knowing Who is Where

You will be able to see what areas of your establishment have been accessed and the exact time they were entered throughout the day, due to the fact that the system will keep records as and when keys are removed from their compartments. Unsure whether a certain mechanical room got its scheduled checkup and maintenance today? Now you’ll know if the room was even accessed or not.

Detailed Reporting and Auditing

The technological aspects of key management systems are some of the best features. You will be able to gather large amounts of useful data based on information such as when keys were taken out, when they were returned, and therefore, what areas of your property were accessed.

Should keys ever go missing, this detailed reporting capabilities will provide you with the information you need to figure out exactly what happened. You will be able to track down a lost key a whole lot faster this way, thanks to your ingeniously designed key management system!

Saves You Money in the Long Term

An apartment complex has numerous areas requiring multiple keys to access each one for both inside and outside zones (if your building has outside areas). If any of these keys get lost, stolen or damaged in some way, they have to be replaced — the costs can add up over time.

However, once you have installed your key management system, you can rest easy in the knowledge that you will likely only need to cut each key once, as they are all guaranteed to stay safe with this kind of system in place.

Easy Access During an Emergency

If an unforeseen emergency happens within your establishment, your technologically enhanced key management system has a manual override and door release function, should you need rapid access to the keys. This saves precious time during high-pressure situations as you will not have to fumble through a huge, bulky old-fashioned key ring to shakily find the right key to open each door.

Overall, key management systems should be considered a construction requirement for all new apartment buildings and should be retroactively installed in older ones. Not only do they provide an added layer of security, but they can also reduce costs in the long run and provide a higher level of oversight to your building operations.

Advanced Security Options from can Deter Would-Be Burglars

Mul-T-Lock Deadbolts

The punch-in-the-gut feeling that comes with the realization you’ve been burglarized is often followed by regret. Having to take stock of the crime and what’s been lost is compounded by the fact that efficient locks could have prevented this. This is a situation that millions of Americans are confronted with each year and while we can’t stop crime, we can install modern deadbolts, padlocks and more to keep nefarious ne’er-do-wells at bay. In this article from, we’ll explore some of the facts and figures behind burglaries in the U.S. and ways we can reduce them through the use of Mul-T-Lock Deadbolts, Mul-T-Lock Cylinders and Mul-T-Lock Padlocks. The overall goal here is to arm readers with the knowledge and tools required to keep their personal possessions and business locations safe and secure.

According to statistics from ADT, 1.6 million Americans were victims of burglary in 2015. Of that total, 72 percent were residential targets -- which means the remaining 30 percent were businesses. The latter category is in a more complicated position, as they need to cover multiple ways of entry and not just the front and back door on a home. “The intruder may have also absconded with irreplaceable personal items – a treasured piece of jewelry, a sterling silver family heirloom, a camera with photos you haven’t downloaded yet,” the article states. “They haven’t just taken your belongings; they’ve also taken your peace of mind.”

Of all the ways to prevent the crime in the first place, ADT suggests an alarm system as well as an updated lock system. What’s going on in the burglar’s mind could also help us make sense of motivating factors and how to better protect ourselves against crime. Per the ADT study -- which cites information from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program -- cash, jewelry and electronics are some of the top items sought out during burglaries. If you know that your home or business currently or is likely to house these goods, it may be best to research modern lock systems from

Mul-T-Lock Deadbolts: The deadbolt is a desirable measure again intruders and Mul-T-Lock has perfected the telescopic pin technology. A 1-inch bolt extended toward the frame of the door is backed up by hardened ball bearings and a strike that deters “jimmying.” Since few door frames share the exact same measurements, the Mul-T-Lock deadbolt set-up can be changed when ordered to include a tail that’s self-adjustable to the thickness of the door. One of the reasons why businesses invest in this system is because of the master key system that can also be employed; a locksmith will be able to configure additional keys with the presence of a master magnetic key card.

Mul-T-Lock Cylinders: Whether its of the Mortise or European Profile design, Mul-T-Lock has designed cylinder locks that again benefit from the telescopic pin tumbler system. The Mul-t-lock Euro Profile Cylinder, for example, is resistant to both picks and drills so businesses with high-security needs will benefit from installation. The deadbolt cylinder that’s compatible with Schlage and Arrow deadbolts.

Mul-T-Lock Padlocks: Some may see the humble padlock and think that it’s a stop-gap measure for something more substantial elsewhere. One look at the specs on the Mul-T-lock NE-Series and readers will understand that a steel body with a hardened boron steel shackle is worth investing in. This product is marketed as “extra high security” and businesses that need to keep gates, doors and chains locked will benefit greatly from a padlock. The “High Guard” padlock is another top-of-the-line option with a design that provides both dust protection during summer months and a drainage hole to prevent both rust and freezing-over.

If there are two take-aways from this article, it should be the fact that modern manufacturing makes for strong locks -- and a strong lock keeps people out of secure areas. Business needs will vary greatly so has committed itself to offering a wide variety of systems. The key-controlled padlock may look simple, but a would-be burglar facing one made by Mul-T-Lock isn’t going to easily bypass it. On the other hand, entire electronic master key lock systems offer both a full spectrum of protection while also granting access to only those who’ve been granted permission. As ADT states, “having preventative measures in place can help ward off criminals.” With this basic premise in mind, the foundation of a solid security system can be built and critical goods kept behind closed doors.